Scanning and Local Probe Equipment / Instrumentation
Agilent AFM
- Contact, tapping, lateral force, force spectroscopy, scanning Kelvin probe, MAC and Top MAC
Environmental control
- Ambient, purged gas, fluid environments with heated and cooled stages
Applications: Controlled-environment AFM (fluid, purged gas, temperature- programmed). Polymers, electrochemistry, force spectroscopy. Magnetically-excited AFM.
Scan range
- 90μm × 90 μm × 7 μm closed-loop scanner
- 9 μm × 9 μm × 2 μm open loop scanner
Noise floor
- <5 Å (large scanner)
- <1 Å (small scanner)
- Ten 16-bit channels input
- Four 24-bit channels out
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Asylum AFM
Modes available
- Contact, AC (tapping) and Dual AC, 1-D forces, lateral force, nanolithography, Electrostatic Force, Kelvin probe, conductive AFM, Magnetic Force, piezoelectric force, thermal AFM
- Stiffness and adhesion measurements, frictional force imaging. Nanolithography, electrostatic force microscopy, and scanning surface potential. Conductive AFM, magnetic and piezoresponse force microscopy.
Scan range
- 90μm × 90μm × 15μm closed loop
Z noise
- <0.06nm 0.1Hz-1kHz BW
Cantilever noise
- <0.02nm Adev, 0.1Hz-1kHz BW.
Analog to Digital Converters
- One 16-bit, 5 MHz channel
Digital to Analog Converters
- Five 16-bit 100kHz channel
Direct Digital Synthesizer
- Six 24-bit 100kHz channels, plus two 10-bit 10MHz summed on a single DAC
Bruker Icon AFM
AFM modes
- PeakForce (with quantitative nanomechanics), tapping, contact, lateral force, magnetic force spectroscopy, Kelvin probe, conductive AFM, tunneling AFM, electrostatic force, magnetic force, piezoelectric force, torsional resonance mode.
Applications: Nano-mechanics, whole-wafer inspection, scanning conductivity/resistance microscopy. Thermal AFM. Electrical measurements of soft materials. Fluid tipholder.
X-Y scan range
- 90μm × 90 μm × 10 μm
Vertical noise floor
- <30 pm RMS
Current sensitivity
- pA to μA
Motorized position stage (X-Y axis)
- 180mm × 150mm
- 210mm vacuum chuck
- Raman spectroscopy and photoluminescence in transmission and reflection modes. Scanning sample stage for mapping of optical properties
- Side-illumination for integrated contact and tapping AFM, scanning surface potential, and tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy.
- Cryogenic vacuum sample holder with electrical feedthroughs.
- 405 nm, 600nm, and 785nm laser sources
- 600/mm and 1800/mm diffraction gratings
- Graphene and 2D materials, polymers and monomers, inorganics and metal oxides, ceramics, coatings and thin films, photovoltaics, catalysts.
- Active pharmaceutical ingredients and excipients mapping and characterization, polymorph identification, phase determination.
- Disease diagnosis, dermatology, cell screening, cosmetics, microbiology, protein investigations, and drug interactions.
Omicron STM-1 scanner
- 2 μm x-y range
- 20-50 pA min current
RHK SPM 1000 controller
- 10 channel input
- 26-bit resolution
- complete signal access
Vacuum capability
- 10-8 mtorr
- LEED, sample annealing, lock-in amplifiers, optical excitation
Applications: Atomically resolved imaging, density of states/bandgap analysis, photon-stimulated electrical properties, and nano-gap electrodes
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Probe Station
Probe arms
- 4 × 0-1GHz
- 2 × 1-20 GHz
- 10-6 torr
Lockin amplifiers
- SRS 830, SRS 844
Impedance analyzer
- Agilent E5061B 5Hz-3GHz
Network analyzer
- Agilent N5230C 10MHz-20GHz
Temperature Range
- LHe-100 °C
- Kiethley 6517A
Function generators
- SRS DS345 30MHz
Programming interface
- Labview
Applications: Conductance, resistance, impedance, capacitance measurements of circuits, devices, and resonators.
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AFM scanners
- 1μm, 10μm, and 100μm x-y range, 7μm z-range
- 491, 532, and 660 nm laser sources
Optical heads
- 0.7 NA 100× upright air lens
- 1.3 NA 100× inverted oil immersion lens
Confocal Raman
- Adjustable pinhole size and objective lens alignment
- 1800, 600, and 150/mm gratings and 75/mm Echele. Cooled CCD/EMCCD detector.
AFM modes
- Contact, tapping, force mapping, Kelvin probe, conductive AFM, lateral force. Tuning fork AFM allows custom-cut and etched metal probes.
Environmental control
- Enclosures for each scanner for gas purge. Heated sample stage, fluid cell.
Simultaneous AFM/Raman
- Keeps samples of varying topography in focus
Near Field Scanning Optical Microscopy (NSOM)
- AFM-aperture optical microscopy is available in transmission mode
Applications: Simultaneous chemical and topographic/mechanical analysis. In situ temperature measurement. AFM-aperture optical microscopy. Optical devices such as semiconductor lasers, waveguides, and plasmonic devices Investigation of cellular tissue, DNA, viruses and other biological objects. Nanotubes, nanowires, and quantum dots.
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Modes available
- Contact, AC (tapping) and dual AC, 1-D forces, lateral force, nanolithography, electrostatic force, Kelvin probe, conductive AFM, magnetic force, piezoelectric force, thermal AFM
Applications: Mechanics of cells, tissues, and polymers. Tagging and identification of cells, proteins, and molecules. Controlled dosing of samples via micropipette. Controlled environment (fluid, temperature) experiments.
Scan range
- 90μm × 90μm × 15 μm closed loop
Z noise
- <0.06nm 0.1Hz-1kHz BW
Cantilever noise
- <0.02nm Adev, 0.1Hz-1kHz BW
- Micromanipulator, nano-injector
- Temperature-controlled chamber
- Environmental fluid cell
Bio prep-space
- CO2 incubator, Bio-safety cabinet
- 641, 532, 488 nm lasers
- Cascade II EMCCD camera with dual view filter
- Nikon inverted optical microscope
- 10×, 20×, 40×, 100× objectives
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Scan range
- 10 μm x 10 μm x 1.5 μm
Z – resolution 0.01 nm
- 01 nm
Tunneling current:
- < 1pA – 330 nA
Gap voltage
- ± 5 mV to ± 10 V; applied to tip/cantilever, sample grounded
Vacuum achievable:
- 10-11 mbar or better
Sample size
- 3mm x 9mm 7mm diameter
Temp range
- 100K – 1500 K
Imaging modes
- Contact, tapping, and FM noncontact
- LEED, Auger electron spectroscopy
- Evaporator, leak valves for controlled gas environment, sputter gun
- 20-bit, <25μV noise @ 60kHz up to 24 data acquisition signals
Applications: Atomically-resolved imaging of surfaces. Surface reconstruction. Friction and adhesion measurements. Surface potential and conductive AFM. Scanning Gate Microscopy. Scanning Kelvin Probe + Local dielectric AFM.
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