A safety buddy is required for Wet Processing/Bay 3:
- Monday through Friday: 12 am to 8 am and 5 pm to midnight
- Weekends
- When the University is closed (holidays, winter break, snow days, etc)
- When notified by staff
- Only a person who is authorized to use the cleanroom (PennCard unlocks the Facility door) may be a buddy.
- Another user present in the cleanroom is NOT automatically your safety buddy; they must agree to be your safety buddy.
- The buddy must be in the cleanroom at all times and you should check on each other frequently.
The wiki can only be accessed by nanofab users.
To gain access:
Sign in using your PennKey.
Request to have your account validated.

Spin Coating Positive Resist

Spin Coating SU8

MA4 Mask Aligner

Developing Positive

Developing SU8
Note: Only the underlined digits need to be dialed from a Penn phone.
Police, Fire, Ambulance
511 (from any campus phone)
215-573-3333 (from any phone)
Environmental Health and Radiation Safety
215-898-4453 (M-F, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm)
511 or 215-573-3333 (after-hours)
Building Manager
215-898-6207 (M-F, 7:00 am to 5:30 pm)
215-783-5725 (after hours)