AFM scanners
- 1μm, 10μm, and 100μm x-y range, 7μm z-range
- 491, 532, and 660 nm laser sources
Optical heads
- 0.7 NA 100× upright air lens
- 1.3 NA 100× inverted oil immersion lens
Confocal Raman
- Adjustable pinhole size and objective lens alignment
- 1800, 600, and 150/mm gratings and 75/mm Echele. Cooled CCD/EMCCD detector.
AFM modes
- Contact, tapping, force mapping, Kelvin probe, conductive AFM, lateral force. Tuning fork AFM allows custom-cut and etched metal probes.
Environmental control
- Enclosures for each scanner for gas purge. Heated sample stage, fluid cell.
Simultaneous AFM/Raman
- Keeps samples of varying topography in focus
Near Field Scanning Optical Microscopy (NSOM)
- AFM-aperture optical microscopy is available in transmission mode
Applications: Simultaneous chemical and topographic/mechanical analysis. In situ temperature measurement. AFM-aperture optical microscopy. Optical devices such as semiconductor lasers, waveguides, and plasmonic devices Investigation of cellular tissue, DNA, viruses and other biological objects. Nanotubes, nanowires, and quantum dots.
