The JEOL 7500F Scanning Electron Microscope provides ultrahigh resolution of 0.8 nm at 30 kV and 1 nm at 1 kV, which is particularly useful for soft-matter studies. The JEOL 7500F SEM is our dedicated conventional and high-resolution imaging microscope. It is equipped with multiple detectors and imaging modes that allow for the study of a wide range of solid materials. Secondary and backscattered electron detectors allow for imaging of sample surfaces, whereas a scanning-transmission electron detector shows the internal structure of materials. Through a stage biasing system, referred to as the “gentle-beam” mode, the electron beam interacting with the sample may be reduced to a fraction of the accelerating voltage of the gun, allowing for the imaging of soft or insulating samples without the need for carbon or metal coating. An EDAX Energy Dispersive x-ray spectrometer (EDS) is available for chemical characterization via spectra or element maps.